Monday, March 31, 2014

Tilapia Cooking Methods Lab

Today students demonstrated various cooking methods with tilapia.

Parmesan crusted tilapia demonstrated baking,
Cracker-crusted fish demonstrated frying,
And poached fish demonstrated poaching.
It was a nice lab for this time of year because there are excellent sales on fish. I do not have a seafood unit in my curriculum so it is nice to give the students some experience.

You can download my recipes and materials here.


  1. I recently discovered your blog/website and love how you combine so many areas into your lessons, activities and labs! I live in an area where I don't have much access to fresh fish....would chicken tenders be a good substitution?

  2. We use frozen tilapia and thaw it in cold water, but I'm sure chicken tenders would teach the same objectives. Welcome!
